(16) The Beat Method (挝法)
The Beat method, similar to the listening method, is another music therapy of beating the instrument. Mi Heng, a scholar in the three kingdoms period, beat the drum for Cao Cao. His elegant beating was called three Yu Yang Beats. This method is to beat the chime stone by oneself. Listening to the chime stone is beneficial for one’s health, so is beating chime stone.
Confucius stroke the chime stone to cultivate his mind and body, according to the The Analects of Confucius. When Confucius beat the chime stone in Wei country, a man carrying a straw basket listened to the chime stone struck by Confucius, exclaiming: The chime stone really speaks for you! Confucius was in bad mood during his stay in Wei country, and he beat the chime stone to refresh himself physically and mentally. The sound, including the ultrasonic waves, of SiBin-Huwen Chime Stone can penetrate the human body and spread to the body through the air medium when one listens. Therefore, the energy the beater receives is larger than that of a listener. Both the listening method and the beat method (with a slight difference from the SiBin-Huwen Chime Stone beating), are Bianstone therapeutics. SiBin-Huwen Chime Stone and the stone lute are used for family health. One strikes, and the others listen, making a harmonious, happy and healthy family.