
Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick

This Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick is a versatile bianstone tool to rub, scrape , massage as well as tapping on the body's major meridian part to enhance our overall wellbeing. It is also comfortable to tape on the back to boost our immunity. The whole bianstone stick can be heated under the sunlight or with warm water for better healing effect.
Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick

Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick

Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick
Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick
Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick

Scientific Research shows that  sibin bianstone has the power to remove excess toxins from our body....

Original Bianstone colour ranges from greyish black to Brownish black with fine microcrystalline structure...

There is no restriction on the use, but try to limit your usage time around 15 minutes to 30 minutes per use. You can use it even everyday if time permits.After each use, try to drink a cup of water. Depending on your body's toxin level, you may have red patches after each scraping. This is no cause for concern. It is actually removing the toxins from our body.
It is advisable to use it when the red pacthes subside.

Precaution on Using : Remember not to use this Elongated Bianstone Meridian Brush Massage Stick

1) When sweating heavily
2) Do not face the fan wind direction with using this as the wind may penetrate our body as our pores will slightly open using when scraping.
3) During the monthly menstruation period
4) Do not use it immediately after a meal. Try to use at least 1 hour later after meal
5) Do not take a bath immediately after each use. Try to take a bath after 2 hours or more.
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